Monday, July 10, 2006

Are K-12 Teachers Dumb Like Stumps?

Interestingly, the author of the article on the other side of this link says, Yes, many K-12 teachers are dumb like stumps. Okay maybe they aren't dumb like stumps, but according to this author there are many teachers who are on the "left of the GRE bell curve."

  • Originally, I had a long-winded post script here, but in its place, I just want to say two things. First, I am not so sure that the GRE general test is an accurate predictor of one’s competence to teach K-12. As far as I know, the GRE has only been shown to predict success in certain types of graduate programs. Teaching requires certain personality traits like patience and charisma which aren’t tested on the GRE general test. While a GRE subject test could provide graduate programs with more accurate information about a person’s potential for success in a given field like education, there is no GRE subject test for education. However, teachers must pass exams like the Praxis to be certified. The second and final thing that I want to say is that I do not think that this society is willing to do what it takes to attract the best and the brightest to education. People in education are held to the highest moral standard. God forbid that a teacher may have been a stripper or porn actor/actress. Both are legal, but there is a story almost every week about a teacher getting fired for some past "transgression." When you apply for a teaching position, do not dare have a criminal record of any kind. Let’s not forget that teaching has little autonomy; it is a profession that is under constant scrutiny and forced to conform with every fad teaching method that comes down the pike.

    Basically it boils down to two things. One, teachers have their own standards and tests to measure success in their field so it is unclear to me why the GRE is important. Two, education is a field with rampant with moral conservatism and arbitrary capricious methods and measures of success so how many high GRE scorers can the field really expect to attract?


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