Tales From the Gym 1
I have said it before, but I mean it this time. Squatting is such a waste of time for me that I am just not going to do it anymore. I think that squatting well is more about torso, femur, and tibia length than strength.
These statements are in no way an attempt to be advice of an kind and are meant to be used solely for entertainment purposes. Consult a doctor before starting a workout program or taking dietary supplements.
Amen. I don't really like squats that much either. I certainly have never got much size gain out of them. I prefer deadlifting. But I keep doing the squats, not sure why.
6:11 PM
I have replaced squats with heavy good mornings. I may still do some specialized squats like half squats or duck squats. However, with the lengths of my various levers, regular squats just put me in a position to get hurt.
8:46 PM
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