Thursday, June 21, 2007

Idiot Drivers

Of the top, Science has shown that Cognitive ability is linked to the performance of all tasks.

This is for all of you the dumb asses, morons, imbeciles, half-wits, dim wits, nit wits, dummies, jackasses, mongoloids, mentally challenged, slow, mo mo, borderline IQs, Forrest Gumps, Lennies, knuckle draggers, philistines, idiots, custodial IQs, feebleminded, retarded, simpleminded, idiotic, moronic, ignorant, illiterate, lowbrow, uneducated, unthinking; absurd, mentally invalid, irrational, and unreasonable drivers out there.

I have let these slide for years, but they piss me off so bad that it isn’t even funny.

One, there is a certain segment of the driving population who think that driving in someone’s blind spot is somehow a good driving approach. Let me clue you in. Due to the way that vehicles and/or the human eyes are designed, people have difficulty seeing other cars that ride on either side of the car from a few feet behind the back bumper to the back end of the trunk. Don’t honk your horn or get pissed off when you get cutoff, just remember that you are a fucking imbecile and try to learn from the experience.

Two, when you are riding someone’s blind spot but not close enough to interfere with them changing lanes you should not speedup when they put their turn signal on. This happens to me constantly and I can barely fucking believe it when it happens.

If you are one of these people I suggest the following.

-Don’t reproduce.

-Don’t drink alcohol. You need to save all the brain cells that you can.

-For God’s sake, don’t drive anymore.


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